展馆 明珠美术馆·心厅
日期 2019.01.27 周日 14:00-17:00
主讲嘉宾 John Bardakos
语言 英文-中文

以PAM当前展览“(重)塑世界:法国国立当代艺术中心(Le Fresnoy)数字艺术创作二十年”为契机,明珠美术馆邀请数字艺术研究者、艺术家John Bardakos,通过三场包含工作坊的讲座,探讨“艺术与技术中的意向活动(Noesis in Art and Technology  )”。

John Bardakos将在为期三次的讲座与工作坊中与听众讨论他对数字艺术的概念以及它与数学、生物或诗学的关系。



1月27日(周日)下午的首场讲座核心为“科智的诗学”。科智(Technoetics),象征对艺术、科技、意识三者合而为一的探索与实践。讲座将介绍国际新媒体艺术先驱、艺术家及理论家罗伊·阿斯科特的科智概念,从三个层面讲述科智如何体现并成为一种新美学体验的驱动器。围绕现实的多重感知,John Bardakos将向我们解释第一个进入这种思维与行动方法的途径(作为在艺术和技术语境中的循环),提供思考这些现实的框架:控制论(Cybernetics),一种探索艺术系统中信息流的方法,该论述将包含一种纯粹的、结构性的开放。



《操作方式》,短片,Howto, 2014,Film Stills ©️Elisabeth Caravella

In collaboration with the artist John Bardakos, the Pearl Art Museum organizes a cycle of three lectures whose theme is "Noesis in Art and Technology". This Sunday 27 January from 2pm to 5pm you can attend this first session.

In the same spirit of the exhibition on view at PAM, "(Re) Model The World: 20 Years of Digital Creation" in collaboration with Le Fresnoy - National Studio for Contemporary Arts, we have the honor to invite John Bardakos to talk about his conception of digital art and the link he sees with other mathematical, biological or poetic concepts. 

How to conceive of space, time, reality, data in the world of digital art? 
What is the meaning of this "Neosis" in art and Technology?


《操作方式》,短片,Howto, 2014,Film Stills ©️Elisabeth Caravella

This first lecture, "The Poetics of Technoetics", introduces three layers in which Roy Ascott's "Technoetics" can manifest and become a generator for aesthetics. The artist will explain us the first apporach into this way of thinking and doing  (as a loop in an art and technology context) revolves around multiple perception of realities.   The lecture offers a framework to think in all these realities is Cybernetics, a method of exploring information flow in systems of art. This discourse allows a pure structural way of openess.