Date 2018.08.25 Saturday 14:00-15:00
Guided By Nina


自2013年起,路易威登邀请艺术家进行跨文化的驻地创作,并按照驻留目的地结集出版为《路易威登游记》(Louis Vuitton Travel Book)。 基于理念上的契合及对该系列艺术原作珍藏的欣赏,明珠美术馆发起并策划了此次展览,这也是全球范围内第一次将该系列珍藏中几乎全部艺术家的作品原作集中展出。

主展览题“读书行路”源自明代董其昌名句:“气韵不可学,此生而知之,自有天授,然亦有学得处,读万卷书,行万里路,胸中脱去尘浊,自然丘壑内营,立成鄄鄂。” 三百年前董其昌的理念而今从展厅中再次出发,从迷离的大都会到空灵的北极,美术馆邀请参观者在中、英、法三语专业导览中同行,随艺术家的妙笔去往截然不同的地域风光。

About The Exhibition:

Curated by Pearl Art Museum, the exhibition showcases nearly 300 pieces of artworks created by 16 exceptional artists and illustrators from both China and foreign backgrounds. This is the first time for nearly all of the original artworks from the Louis Vuitton Travel Book collection to be displayed in the world.

With the guided tour, Pearl Art Museum and Louis Vuitton give you the opportunity to travel around the world in one hour. Paris, New-York, Mexico, Venice, South Africa, Arctic…Come and join us for the cross-cultural journey through the work of artists from different backgrounds and unique styles!