数字艺术研究者、艺术家John Bardakos的系列讲座“艺术与技术中的意向活动(Noesis in Art and Technology)”将于本周六3月2日14:00于光的空间·心厅举办第三场,也是该系列的最后一场:被确认的现实 The Validated Reality
通过艺术家与艺术-技术理论家罗伊·阿斯科特(Roy Ascott)所介绍的“验证的现实”这一概念,我们意在探讨在直接感知的牛顿学说和相对论的理解框架内所发生的一系列事件和经验。在这个领域中梳理艺术和技术所承担的特殊角色,作为一个为打破逻辑规则过程做准备的安全站。
In the context of the three lectures untitled “Noesis in Art and Technology”, the third part explores the structure and the functionality of art in the validated veritable reality. With the term “validated reality”, introduced by the artist and art and technology pioneer Roy Ascott, we explore the broad set of events and experiences that happen under a field of directly perceived Newtonian and slightly relativistic understanding. Combing art and technology in this field has a special role, as a function, as a station of safety preparing for the process of breaking the rules of logic.
In this lecture we choose to blend structures of logic and mathematics, apply them in the world of physics and correlate them with art as consciousness transformation function. Through the transformation of touch-sound-vision direct experience with this Newtonian universe re-forms our being as we dive deep into the “VR” of the Validated Reality.